Babylyn Banuelos- Nabiong – Docket Head

Babylyn Banuelos- Nabiong – Legal Manager

Babylyn Banuelos- Nabiong – Docket Head

Babylyn Banuelos- Nabiong – Docket Head

Babylyn Banuelos-Nabiong holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Office Administration.  She has extensive experience in the retail industry.

As the Docket Head of the Firm, Babylyn stands as the custodian of the Firm’s legal documents and files. Her meticulous approach ensures that every document, every record, is handled with utmost care and precision. Ruling with an iron fist, Babylyn’s outstanding client management skill is a testament to the Firm’s credo of superior legal service. A favorite of many of the Firm’s clients, Babylyn is the epitome of topnotch customer service.