Security of tenure gives us confidence that we are able to provide for our families and meet our financial obligations. However, there are circumstances beyond our control which shatter such security. Thus, losing a job throws our world into chaos and thrusts us into uncertainty. We are besieged with questions on how we can continue with our obligations to our family and creditors in the absence of a job.
Who are elibigle to claim unemployment benefits?
Good thing, Republic Act No. 11199, otherwise known as the Social Security Act of 2018 (“SSS Law”), introduced the concept of unemployment benefits. This is a cash benefit given to employees who were involuntarily separated starting 05 March 2019, provided that the following conditions are met:
- The member is not over sixty (60) years of age;
- The member has paid at least thirty-six (36) months contributions. Twelve (12) months of which should be in the eighteen-month period immediately preceding the involuntary unemployment;
- The member has not received unemployment benefits from the SSS within three (3) years from the date of involuntary separation of employment; and
- The member was involuntarily separated from employment. This means that the member lost his job through NO fault on his part such as authorized causes (redundancy, installation of labor-saving devices, retrenchment, closure of company, etc.), calamity, recession and similar causes.
Who not eligible from claiming employment benefits?
You cannot claim SSS unemployment benefits if you resigned from work. This is also not available to those who were removed from employment due to their fault or based on just causes such as serious misconduct, willful disobedience, gross and habitual neglect of duties, fraud or willful breach, commission of a crime and other similar causes. Of course, if your removal is illegal or contested, your SSS unemployment benefits will be subject to the outcome of any pending proceeding to claim them.
What are the procedures and requirements to claim unemployment benefits with the SSS?
The advancement in technology now enables the application for SSS unemployment benefits online. The member just needs to log in his My.SSS account online and visit the E-services tab. After the application is lodged online, the member will receive an e-mail from SSS. The member should reply to this e-mail and attach scanned copies of the requested documents. These documents are:
- Primary ID (UMID card, SSS cared, Driver’s License, Passport, Postal ID, Voter’s ID, etc.)
- Certificate from the Department of Labor & Employment (DOLE) as to the involuntary separation of the member
Notice of Termination or Affidavit of Termination issued by the employer
What happens after submission of the application and requirements?
Once processed, the SSS will send an e-mail to the member notifying him of the approval. The payout of the SSS unemployment benefits is done through various channels such as deposit in the SSS UMID card enrolled as an ATM, deposit to participating banks, electronic wallets and remittance transfer to cash payout outlets.
How often can you claim unemployment benefits from the SSS?
It must be remembered that the SSS unemployment benefit can only be availed of once every three (3) years.
This is how to claim SSS unemployment benefits in the Philippines.
About Nicolas and De Vega Law Offices
If you need assistance in labor-related issues, compliance with DOLE issuances, and company employment policies, or business-related concerns, we can help you find solutions. Nicolas and de Vega Law Offices is a full-service law firm in the Philippines. You may visit us at the 16th Flr., Suite 1607 AIC Burgundy Empire Tower, ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, 1605 Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines. You may also call us at +632 84706126, +632 84706130, +632 84016392 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Visit our website